Tuesday, October 29, 2002

SOL: Saddam Online

Pat sent me the following link from Wired News: Dear Saddam, How Can I Help?

In the article, Saddam Hussein's inbox was apparently hacked into, and various emails to Saddam were noted.

"I will try to give you (An Sha Allah) a good way to protect your Muslims," said the message. (The phrase In sha' Allah, from the Quran, means "God willing.")

Meanwhile, an Internet user from Washington state, who conceded that he would "probably end up on some FBI watch list for writing this," told Saddam in an e-mail dated Aug. 1 that he opposed military action against Iraq.

The author of the message advised Saddam to be diligent "with regards to your own personal security. The CIA is notoriously crafty and extremely adept at overthrowing governments and their respective leaders."

In another message, a resident of Vienna, Austria, told Saddam in a July 27 message that Americans are "arrogant," and that should the United States attack Iraq, "you need only send a ticket and I will come to Iraq to fight the Americans. I am a good shot, and I am serious about my offer."

The e-mails sent to press@uruklink.net were obtained earlier this month by first clicking on a link labeled "Check your e-mail in Uruk" on the homepage of Iraq's state-controlled ISP, Uruklink.net, then guessing the login name and password -- both of which were the same five-letter word.

Interesting. Of course our society has those few hypocritical idiots who don't realize how great our world is and how horrible Saddam's is. But this article is still surprising.

A greater idiot is the guy who made the email account have the same password and username. Five letters? Probably "jihad."


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